Next to 9 Sudoku 2015 - 1

A Happy New Year to all the puzzlers out there. May 2015 fulfil most if not all your dreams :)

We are just 1 day away from the start of the 2015 World Sudoku Grand Prix. All the best to all the participants. Here is one last practice puzzle before we head into the first leg of the Sudoku GP.

Today we have a Next to 9 Sudoku. Digits outside the grid indicate the digits that encompass the digit 9 in that row or column.

Round Off Sudoku 2014 - 1

Lets try another Sudoku which will be appearing in the First leg of the Sudoku Grand Prix 2015. This is a Round Off Sudoku.

Rules of Classic Sudoku apply. Additionally, each cage represents the rounded off value for the two digit number inside the cage to the nearest multiple of 10. Ending digits 1-4 are rounded down and 5-9 are rounded up.

All Odd All Even Sudoku 2014 - 1

It has been a long time since I created and posted a puzzle. Work has been hectic at office.

With the Sudoku Grand Prix set to begin next weekend, here is a practice sudoku.

Rules of Classic sudoku apply. Additionally, grey cells in each region contain all odd or all even digits.

Hope you enjoy this and I will try to make it more frequent :)