Irregular Dots Sudoku 2018 - 1

Today we have an Irregular Dots Sudoku for WSC practice.

Digits do not repeat in any row, column or Bold outlined boxes.. Rows and columns are marked with numbers 1 to 9. There is a white dot between two cells if the difference of the digits they contain is equal to the number of a row/column they are part of. There is a black dot between two cells if the sum of the digits they contain is equal to the number of the row/column they are a part of. All possible dots are marked.

EDIT : Missing dot between R6C2 and R7C2 has been added.

Counting Neighbours Sudoku 2018 - 1

Today we have another puzzle by our guest author Kumaresan. He has created a Counting Neighbours Sudoku.

Rules of classic sudoku apply. Number  in a  cell with  a circle tells you how many distinct digits you can find in up to 8 neighbouring cells (sharing edge or corner). Number in a cell with a cross tells you how many distinct digits you can find in up to 4 diagonally neighbouring cells (sharing a corner). All possible circles and crosses are drawn.

EDIT : There was a missing X at R7C3. I was too caught up in creating team rounds to check it properly. My bad.

Arrow Odd Count 2018 - 2

Today we have another Arrow Odd Count Sudoku for WSC Practice. This one is my creation.

Rules of classic sudoku apply. Additionally, digits in a circle denote the count of odd digits along its arrow.

Arrow Skyscrapers 2018 - 1

Today, we have another practice puzzle for WSC practice.

Rules of classic sudoku apply. Additionally, Digits along the arrows represent buildings of the height given by its value. Number in a circle tells you the count of visible buildings along the corresponding arrow. Higher building covers all smaller or equal building behind it.

Arrow Odd Count 2018 - 1

Today we have another puzzle for WSC practice. This puzzle has been created by our guest author Kumaresan and is being posted here on our blog.

Rules of classic sudoku apply. Additionally the digit in a circle denotes the number of odd digits along the arrow.

Full Rank Sudoku 2018 - 1

Now that the WSC Information Booklet is out, I thought why not create sudoku's from it so that it helps the participants practice on the variants that are going to appear in the WSC. I am deliberately going to choose new variants and not regular ones.

Today we have a Full Rank Sudoku for practice. Rules of classic sudoku apply. Additionally,  Full rows/columns (read left-right, right-left, top-bottom, bottom-top) form 36 distinct 9-digit numbers.  Their  rank from the lowest is given.